Friday, May 17, 2019

05/17/2019 ~ Sunshine on a Stem Finish

I finished the 🌞 Sunshine on a Stem by Hands on Design. I modified the colors significantly. Here’s what I used :

Floss Color Changes:
Flower Stems 320 to 3346
Jar 518 to 931
Flower Centers 3781 to 844
Flower Petals 729 to 208, 798 & 3607 

Wording 420 to 844

Sunday, July 7, 2013


I walked with MapMyWalk! Distance: 3.20mi, time: 59:45, pace: 18:40min/mi, speed: 3.22mi/h.

Monday, June 17, 2013

06-17-2013 Walking with Abi

I walked with MapMyWalk! Distance: 2.46mi, time: 45:01, pace: 18:20min/mi, speed: 3.27mi/h.
I walked a total of 10,369 steps yesterday with burning 3,277 calories  and traveled 4.53 miles!!! Our partner in crime otherwise known as Wee Dude flew in front of us most of the time...leaving us in his dust!!!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

06/07/2013 Dinner with Friends

RICK & I  are enjoyed dinner with our GREAT FRIENDS tonight!!! Michelle & Jet Sears! The Porter family...Lynnette, John & Nancy came a little later. Needless to say we CLOSED the place down!!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Friday, August 17, 2012

Doug's Oral Surgery

Well Doug had all four of his wisdom teeth taken out on Tuesday August the last two days he has only gotten about 1 hour worth of sleep!!! I finally took him back to the oral surgeon today and he was in the beginning stages of DRY SOCKET!!! He has a pretty high tolerance to pain and with him complaining we knew something had to be up. When they tried to pack it he could not take the taste of it. I think he got that from me. When I had a root canal done and they packed my tooth before filling it I had an allergic reaction to the stuff they put on the packing. I just glad it happened while we were still at the doctor's office!!!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

My 1st doTerra Training...

Today was such an AWESOME DAY! Thank you April Ranard!!! I went to Greenwood for a doTerra Essential Oil training that was so informative!!! Peggy Smith a Diamond consultant came in from Utah to lead us!!! These oils have done AMAZING things for me....I can hardly believe the benefits that I am getting.

Here is a link to my doTerra webpage!!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

March 10, 2012~Sample Scarf Complted

Here is the completed scarf from the pattern we got at our second beginning knitting class. I got the pattern on January 30th and completed it on March 10th. Now I did not get the yarn right away so it took me just under a month to complete.

This scarf was make out of Hobby Lobby's I Love This Cotton Yarn in the colorway Passion Flower...I think???

Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23, 2012~Knitting!!! Here I come.....

THAT’S IT…..!!!!

I am going to try to learn to knit AGAIN!!! Several people throughout the YEARS tried to teach me how to knit. Starting with my grandpa Reynold Carlson’s sister in law Great Aunt Helen who was married to his brother. She even tried to teach me tatting with a shuttle. Then when we moved to Florida my best friend Beate McCurdy tried…I just held the needles way TOO TIGHT and gave up. I kept dropping stitches and could not get the needles to pull the yarn through the loops.

Since I was having troubles seeing the charts for my counted cross stitch from having surgery the month before…I thought maybe I should try knitting again. So I talked to some friends here in town to see which yarn shop I should go to for to take my class. After much deliberation and remember has the Yarns Unlimited shop treated people when they visited their store & the horrible parking I decided to go to In A Yarn Basket. They were located where the parking was ample and you did not have to pay to park and fight for a parking space…PLUS I do not and probably never be able to parallel park very well.

So off I went to In A Yarn Basket to sign up for their Knitting Beginner Class taught by Kathy Shewmaker. WOW…! It was GREAT! Kathy was able to get it through my head this time. The class I was in was one that Kathy was absolutely AMAZED at how fast we picked up on it. The class was a 2 hour class and in the first 30 minutes she has all the stitches and cast on taught. She said I am going to have to find something for our next class for you all. She had a sampler scarf that used to be used for the beginner class but found it was too much…and new knitters wanted to see their results faster so she changed it up to be just washcloths. 

Here is the first thing we knit in class:

I had completed the 3 washcloths that she had given to us to be able to practice what we had learned on the first night. Here is my wash clothes I had finished.

Close up of the last one I knitted...I see mistakes but that is how you learn to fix the mistakes!!!

The discovery of knitting needles with a sharper point is what made all the difference for me……..
Here are the pictures of what I did in the two classes…

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Overdue Update

Yes believe it or not I am actually posting a blog post. I know it has been forever. There has been a lot going on. On the family front Rick’s dad has been in the hospital since October 7th and we have had ups & downs but it looks like we are on the uphill swing. He is still in need of lots of prayers.

On the stitching front I have had several finishes in the last several months. I have finished block #5 on my Stoney Creek’s Natures home afghan. Yes it was back in July but it was a finish. I have had more finishes this year at this time than I did last year. Get this I sprained my wrist on Mother’s Day and was in a splint for 12 weeks so that that sort of cut into my stitching time. My next finish was 07-11-2010 Heart in Hand Fall Fobs Needle Roll 32ct Belfast
Dirty Linen. This was a really quick stitch. I decided at the last minute I wanted to entry the needle roll class at our county fair I got a Blue ribbon it. Next I finished 09-02-2010 Lizzie Kate Prayer Connection 36ct R&R Linen Lt Cappuccino. I think this is one of my favorites from Lizzie Kate now. I purchased enough Weeks Dye Works fiber to make 3 or 4. I want to give this one to some friends as a gift! This first one will be for my Home Extension Secret Sister for Christmas.
In September I found out a dear friend was diagnosed with breast cancer so I stitched 10-03-2010 Lizzie Kate Peace Love & Cure 32ct Belfast Linen Mint Green. I have to get it wrapped so I can get it to her. I really like how it turned out. The last one I finished yesterday but I am not posting the picture on my blog because it is a Christmas gift and I do not want to give away the surprise.
I also have stitched a couple others that I received honors on at our county fair. The honors I received at the fair on my stitching were on Drawn Thread Toccata One, Elizabeth Designs Winter Flower Sampler & Bent Creek Snapperville SnapperBorder. They are pictured with under the photo tab named 07-24-2010 Julie & Doug's Winnings in Open Class Judging.
I received a RAK in the mail the day after our 22nd Wedding Anniversary from a dear friend Christine Wilson. She is such a wonderful kind person…I am so blessed to say she is a friend. Thank you so much for my Halloween Q-Snap huggie.
Oh I almost forgot our BIGGEST news!!! Doug is wanting to show a Dairy Steer in 4-H for his 10 year. We got him the weekend after Labor day. He has been a great addition. He has such personality. He is also wanting to show a Dairy Heifer but we have not gotten one as of yet. This is my favorite picture of Doug & Slinky together. Yes that is a funny name but Doug wanted to call him Ben after his friend but I would not let him so we put a twist on Ben's last name.

We are getting really excited for our cruise…15 days and counting!!!!