Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Happy Easter

Boy! March really flew bye…It was a really busy month. Doug started track & field conditioning back at the end of February and it has been not stop since. They had there first meet yesterday in Martinsville and they did excellent in the field events that Doug participates in.

I finally got to start my Spring MSAL yesterday. I do not have a picture of the Floss & fabric. The only thing I changed on it was the fabric color…it is Belfast Linen Ray of Light, that is a light yellow color.

Good Friday my husband & I went to Chicago to check out a band that will be playing at our County Fair this year. They were playing at Joe’s Bar. We also got to see Neal McCoy perform WOW he puts on an AWESOME show!!!!! We spent the night in Chicago…Rick did not want to drive back to Bloomington that late at night…So guess what I got to do? Yep I got to go to one of my favorite cross stitch shop in LaPorte IN yes House of Stitches was the place. I love her shop!!! I did not buy much but that is when I finally got my fabric for my MSAL this time.

Easter day we spent the day with Rick’s family at his parents’ house. It was a really wonderful day.

Monday I was a co-hostess for my Home Extension club at our Local needle work shop Fancy works here in Bloomington. After it was all over I ended up meeting the pavement with both my knees and wrists. I fell over the handicap ramp. Boy are my knees pretty now. The slightest touch…needless to say they are pretty bruised and I hurt all over. Today has been the worst day with the soreness from falling.

This weekend we are driving to northern IN to go to a Sheep auction in Columbia City not stashing this weekend. I will get to have a lot of stitching time in. It is a 3 – 3 ½ drive up there and I will stitch the whole way.

I will post pictures after the weekend. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Finally I Found Time To Post Again

Well, I guess it is about time that I update my blog. I have been very busy these days. No, I have not had much stitching time. I have been doing more reading than anything. Right now, I am reading Danielle Steel’s new book Sisters boy is it getting good.

I did actually finally get a needle back in my hand last Wednesday or Thursday. I finally finished my ILCS Winter MSAL. Now the Spring MSAL is starting. I guess it is time to start gathering the supplies to get that one started. I also won the February Last DMC Standing game and here is a picture of my winnings.

I know the last time I wrote I was having many health issues with my asthma. My doctor reduced the beta-blocker I was on for my migraines and my asthma symptoms reduced as well. I am hoping that at the end of the month they will reduce it again. Since the reduction, I have only had to use my inhaler just a couple times and that was back in the beginning of February. The doctor took me off my daily inhaler completely and just prescribed an emergency one. The detoxifying diet I had to go on back in December 23 had been going quite well. I am feeling so much better. I am not as tired and not feeling and yucky.

Hope to try and post more often now that I am starting to feel human again.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Test Results

As most of you know I have been sick I have been sick since mid October. It all started with a sinus infection that never went away. I ended up with a barking cough. Finally my doctor ordered a Pulmonary Function Test at the end of December. The doctor’s office called with my test results today and I have been diagnosed with Asthma. I really do not know what is going to happen and how they are going to treat it until my next appointment on January 11. Please keep me in your prayers.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

ILCS MSAL Part #5 Complete

I finally completed part #5 of the ILCS MSAL just a few minutes ago!!! This has been such a fun mystery SAL. I cannot wait for the next part. I hope everyone that is doing this MSAL is having just as much fun as me.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Happy New Year!


Just to let you know I started another blog...I really did not like the other one I started.

Back to work I went today...I actually got in some stitching time during my morning break. I am just about finished with the MSAL I am doing in my ILCS group...I will post a picture when I get it done.

I am waiting anxiously for my friend Catherine to her her baby. I would guess we have another week to wait. I was hoping she would have her baby on my baby's birthday which is today. Yes my baby turned 15 today...the watch out if you live close by. Doug is starting drivers education this month. Boy this really is beginning to make me feel really OLD!

I hope this year is a great year for everyone! I hope to have lots of stitching and scrapbooking completed. Although I am starting a class again next week!