Thursday, March 8, 2007

Finally I Found Time To Post Again

Well, I guess it is about time that I update my blog. I have been very busy these days. No, I have not had much stitching time. I have been doing more reading than anything. Right now, I am reading Danielle Steel’s new book Sisters boy is it getting good.

I did actually finally get a needle back in my hand last Wednesday or Thursday. I finally finished my ILCS Winter MSAL. Now the Spring MSAL is starting. I guess it is time to start gathering the supplies to get that one started. I also won the February Last DMC Standing game and here is a picture of my winnings.

I know the last time I wrote I was having many health issues with my asthma. My doctor reduced the beta-blocker I was on for my migraines and my asthma symptoms reduced as well. I am hoping that at the end of the month they will reduce it again. Since the reduction, I have only had to use my inhaler just a couple times and that was back in the beginning of February. The doctor took me off my daily inhaler completely and just prescribed an emergency one. The detoxifying diet I had to go on back in December 23 had been going quite well. I am feeling so much better. I am not as tired and not feeling and yucky.

Hope to try and post more often now that I am starting to feel human again.