Thursday, January 4, 2007

Test Results

As most of you know I have been sick I have been sick since mid October. It all started with a sinus infection that never went away. I ended up with a barking cough. Finally my doctor ordered a Pulmonary Function Test at the end of December. The doctor’s office called with my test results today and I have been diagnosed with Asthma. I really do not know what is going to happen and how they are going to treat it until my next appointment on January 11. Please keep me in your prayers.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

ILCS MSAL Part #5 Complete

I finally completed part #5 of the ILCS MSAL just a few minutes ago!!! This has been such a fun mystery SAL. I cannot wait for the next part. I hope everyone that is doing this MSAL is having just as much fun as me.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Happy New Year!


Just to let you know I started another blog...I really did not like the other one I started.

Back to work I went today...I actually got in some stitching time during my morning break. I am just about finished with the MSAL I am doing in my ILCS group...I will post a picture when I get it done.

I am waiting anxiously for my friend Catherine to her her baby. I would guess we have another week to wait. I was hoping she would have her baby on my baby's birthday which is today. Yes my baby turned 15 today...the watch out if you live close by. Doug is starting drivers education this month. Boy this really is beginning to make me feel really OLD!

I hope this year is a great year for everyone! I hope to have lots of stitching and scrapbooking completed. Although I am starting a class again next week!